email validation tools


Our email address validation api is built for today’s modern cloud stack. Automatically verifying for real emails and sending them where they belong in real-time. Utilize our core Email Validation API Features and improve your workflows immediately.

Our API is a developers dream. Authenticate email addresses via our email validation api and….

Pretty much send them anywhere in the universe. Excluding the multiverse, we’ve not cracked that quite yet..

Mailbox Type Identification

Our email mailbox identification feature identifies a dedicated mailbox vs. what is a catch all or other email mailbox type. 

This is particularly useful when  stratifying emails by individual users vs. other types of mailboxes you are sending to.

From our in-app dashboard you can upload a .csv file to interactively validate any email address in it. 

If you would like more control you can validate a csv file using your mailVALIDATION api key and the bellow bash shell script.

Use our email blacklist check to discover if emails you’re interacting with are on a blacklist or disposable email domain.

Be it a Domain Name System Blacklists (DNSBL) or a SURBL, either way, it’s not a place you want to be. And what do those acronyms even mean?!

Let’s face it, email validation solutions can be similar that is until you throw in support & onboarding…

Our support is one of our best features, and your greatest benefits. After all, what good is a software solution if the support stinks?

Data Encryption

We take data privacy very seriously, and encrypt your data on bulk upload, api endpoints and of course when it is stored.

We ensure that our data protection processes are also top notch thanks to our Data Protection Officer’s advice 😉

Ready to get started?

No Credit Card Required.


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