Email Validation API

Check for real email addresses at the point of signup AND clean emails you’ve already collected. Email validation API built for developers & CSV bulk email validation for marketers, and anyone really. We check each email you submit with our email blacklist check too. Immediate access, no credit card required.

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Easy to use REST API for
Automated Workflows.

					curl -X 'POST' \
  '{team_slug}/validate/api/validate/' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: {apikey}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   -d '{
  "email": ""

Checkout Our Swagger API Guide!  Also with Redocly!

Or ask our support team for help to get your email validation needs solved once you’ve created an account. Our founders built this email address validation api out of need for their own business, so please reach out to us for your email verification needs.

Did you know?

Sending emails to invalid addresses hurts your sender reputation. If it gets too bad your emails can stop being delivered at all.

Spam email detection algorithms use a senders bounce rate to determine if your email should go straight to junk mail.

Protect your bounce rate and improve email deliverability now by checking if the email is real before sending.

email validation api

At a High Level, we will.......

Protect your email reputation & provide you with the tools to keep email validation consistent and manageable.

Fight spammers & other rascals, by blocking fake email addresses, limiting free trial abuse, & keeping your email lists clean. They'll go elsewhere.

Maintain the cleanliness & accuracy of your email database, costing you less. Having a clean email list improves delivery, costs less money, and keeps you from being flagged.

Ensure you are Secure and Compliant. Your data is kept safe by using encrypted connections. GDPR, CCPA... your data is secure and protected.


Email address validation is the process of checking for a real email address. There are a few distinctions to email address validation.

  • Syntactically correct
  • Email server exists at the domain, the part after the @
  • The account exists for the user and is SMTP deliverable.
  • The email isn’t on a blacklist of any kind.

Our email validation tool works by checking the address is syntactically correct, checking the email server exists and checking that the user exists in the server. More or less, we verify each email for the data points you consider to be the most important to ensure each email is deliverable. To date, we have over 98% accuracy with our email validation tools.

For more see our in depth article How email address validation works

Data security is important to us. We use best practice security measures to ensure your account and data safety. Verified addresses are never saved. We are compliant with GDPR, CCPA and similar privacy regulations. For more see our terms.

Accounts start with a free email validation api trial, including 300 email address validation tokens in your 1st 15 days post account creation. Once you eclipse 15 days, or 300 tokens, you will need to select a plan that works best for your email validation needs. If you run out of email tokens, we can potentially extend your trial if you reach out to support with a request.

Great! We support large files limited based on our account usage limit. It takes about 1 hour to validate a csv file 200,000 emails. We also have Bulk credit pricing plans, if you have large volumes of email validation, but not on a consistent monthly interval, we’ve got you covered.

Any Questions?


Are you having trouble, have some questions. How can we help?