Real Time Email Validation
Do you want fake emails to never make it into your email distribution list? Well good news. mailVALIDATION.io is the tool you need for email
There are a plethora of ways to leverage our email validation api to your advantage. Whether you are cleaning an email marketing list, purchased a list online and want to verify the contacts, are wanting to identify catch all emails, or just want to eliminate signups on your app or newsletter at the point of email entry.. We’ve got you covered. Read on!
Do you want fake emails to never make it into your email distribution list? Well good news. mailVALIDATION.io is the tool you need for email
When someone subscribes to your Mailchimp list they may signup with an incorrect email address or they may over time change their email address. This can leave
Email distribution lists come in all types of forms. From manual collection from an customer giveaway, to email addresses provided at customer check, and yes…
Are you having trouble, have some questions. How can we help?